****************************************************************************** * * STERN PINBALL, INC. * (C) COPYRIGHT 2022 STERN PINBALL, INC. * ****************************************************************************** * * STAR WARS * ****************************************************************************** PRO V1.20 - FEBRUARY 22, 2022 ============================ **** FIXED **** - Fixed spelling errors in the DJ Mixer. - The left ramp post will now timeout if up for 5 minutes. - (PREM/LE) - Lighting DEATH STAR missions will no longer start Choose your Mission right away with the ball in play. Once lit you will shoot the Death Star once more to Choose and the ball will be held. *** NEW **** - Added adjustments to change the flipper power for both flippers. - Added an adjustment to change the sling power. CONNECTIVITY - Added Connectivity Ready - - The game can have a connectivity kit installed and be connected to STERN INSIDER CONNECTED. - Once connected you can log in and start earning Achievements. - To login in hold your QR code over the scanner. When you see you are log in just push start. - Added Achievements - - There are 62 achievements you can now earn if you are logged in. - Achievements will pop up after you have received them as soon as they can. Also, they are seen at the start of end of ball bonus if you received any that ball. - You can see all the achievements and how they are earned in instant info or on the web site insider.sternpinball.com - Your name will displace PLAYER # in the main score frame. - Adjusted High Score entry so that if you are logged-in the game will default to your initials. You will still be able to change them. **** TWEAKED **** - The flippers will no longer turn off while you are selecting your mission. **** MOVED TO SYSTEM 3.08 **** - Update to nodeboard firmware v0.84.0 - Insider Connected attract mode screen updated to display the location name and green check mark with Verified Location if the machine is registered to a pro account. - Added Standard Adjustment "LCD DISPLAY BRIGHTNESS" to allow dimming of LCD display. - Added adjustments for Login and Play Again display timers: AD_NET_LOGIN_TIMER - "INSIDER LOGIN TIMER" default 30 sec AD_NET_PLAY_AGAIN_TIMER - "INSIDER PLAY AGAIN TIMER" default 20 sec - GAME RESTART (hold start button) behavior change: Holding the start button on ball 2 or greater will follow the logic of the AD_START_BUTTON_BEHAVIOR adjustment. If (AD_GAME_RESTART == YES) and (AD_START_BUTTON_BEHAVIOR == ADV_START_BUTTON_BEHAVIOR_ALL_LOGGED_IN) holding the start button on ball 2 or greater will restart the game for as many players as is necessary to accommodate the users that are logged in. If there are not enough credits to restart the game for the necessary number of players, the the game will not be restarted. - Address Insider Connected game registration corner cases. - Upon entering the Service Menu for the first time after a software update, a screen will display the game and system version numbers. This screen will be displayed for a minimum of 1 second, and is dismissed by the enter button. This replaces the dots display previous shown at power on after an update. - Login changes: * When a user logs in during a game in progress and the player up slot is occupied, assign the user in the first open slot from lowest player to the highest player. * When a user joins a game in progress, award achievements that were earned up to that point. * When user authorization failure, remove the user from the session. - Added audits for connectivity games and scanner use - Connectivity support for Spike 2 games. - Added Standard Audit "Total Power Ons" which will display the number of time the machine has been power cycled (Spike2 only). This audit was added in system 2.45 and is not included for display. - Turn on cabinet lights, if installed, when in the Service Menu. - Update HSTD RESET COUNT adjustment to increment/decrement by 100s when >= 100 and by 10s when < 100 PRO V1.10 - December 18, 2020 ============================= NOTE - If you are seeing the ball bounce out of the inner loop after shooting the hoth / video mode shot, please make sure your center post in the back of the loop is adjusted flush with the playfield. NOTE - Upgrading to this version of software will reset all High Score tables, Audits, and Adjustments. Any potential future updates will retain these settings. New: - Added boot logo - Added HOW TO Videos in the attract mode - Added a GAME PLAY MENU - Press both flippers to start - Choices are STANDARD PLAY, COMPETITION MODE, DJ MIXER - Added DJ MIXER - To start, hold in both flippers. When the GAME PLAY MODE MENU appears use the flippers to navigate to the player and press the START BUTTON - Use buttons to control the player - Left button will restart the current tune. It will go to the previous song if pressed near the start of a song. - Right button will move to the next song. - The ACTION button will change the current playlist. - The START button will exit the mode. - Both flipper buttons will Pause or un-pause the mode. After some time while paused the will automatically end. - Use the STANDARD ADJUSTMENTS to change some of the behavior: - PLAYER DJ MIKXER MODE - Default = YES - NO - Do not include in the GAME PLAY MENU - YES - Include in the GAME PLAY MENU - DJ MIXER PLAYLIST MODE - Default = ORDERED PLAYBACK - ORDERED PLAYBACK - play songs in order - SHUFFLE PLAYBACK - play songs in a random order - DJ MIXER PLAYLIST REPEAT - Default = YES - NO - Return to the attract mode when the playlist ends. - YES - Restart the playlist when it ends. - The game must be in FREE PLAY to use the DJ MIXER - Added adjustment: BALL SAVE LIMIT AT START. You can adjust how many balls can be saved per ball. The default is two. - Added an adjustment to allow less video modes. - Its called - ALLOW 2+ VIDEO MODES PER JEDI. YES is default. - YES equals the FORCE targets will light Vidoe Mode each time you get to the 3rd completion. - NO equals the Video mode wil not light from the FORCE targets if you have played the video mode once already. PLaying Jedi Multiball will clear allow another video mode. Tweaked: - Improved a lcd stability issue - Added ALLOW FORCE ENDGAME to the DIRECTORS CUT and HOME Installs. - Improved the diagnostic colors. - Tweaked the sound volumes of several tunes and sound FX. Moved to System 2.64: - Update to nodeboard firmware v0.65.0 - When starting a game ramp the backbox GI from "ATTRACT MODE B.BOX BRIGHTNESS" to "GAME PLAY B.BOX BRIGHTNESS". - When ending a game ramp the backbox GI from "GAME PLAY B.BOX BRIGHTNESS" to "ATTRACT MODE B.BOX BRIGHTNESS". - New Standard Adjustment "START BUTTON ATTRACT MODE ILLUM." This adjustment, which is only available and active when the game is in FREE PLAY mode, controls the behavior of the Start Button Light. Values are: "ALWAYS OFF" - Start Button Light is always off when in attract mode. "BLINKING" - Start Button Light will blink when in attract mode. This is the DEFAULT and previous behavior. "ALWAYS ON" - Start Button Light is always on when in attract mode. - Update TARGET_GAME_TIME adjustment to ensure a minimal ballsaver even after the target game time is met. - Do not display LOCATING NODE BOARD at boot when coin door interlock switch has disabled node board power. - Improve backbox and cabinet audio synchronization. - Update the HSTD reset counter when the Standard Adjustment is changed. - Added TARGET_GAME_TIME adjustment, accessible when the BALL_SAVE_TIME adjustment is enabled. TARGET_GAME_TIME enables a multi-use ball saver, whose duration is dynamically calculated for each ball to help ensure the player has a guaranteed amount of play time per game. TARGET_GAME_TIME has a range of 1m 30s to 3m 00s and defaults to NO_TARGET_TIME (disabled). When disabled a traditional single-use BALL_SAVE_TIME ball saver will be used for each ball in play. When enabled the first ball of play will have a multi-use ball saver of BALL_SAVE_TIME sec. The second ball will have a multi-use ball saver which is 25% of (TARGET_GAME_TIME - player_game_time). The third and beyond will have a multi-use ball saver which is 50% of (TARGET_GAME_TIME - player_game_time). - Rename Util->Volume->Speaker Balance to Speaker Fade. This adjusts the volume levels of the cabinet (front) and backbox (back) speakers. The term Balance was misleading and implied adjusting the level of the left and right backbox speakers. - Added UTIL->VOL Adjustment "SELECT AUDIO FILTER". Values are: "NONE", "HIGH/LOW SHELF", and "10 BAND EQ". Default value is "HIGH/LOW SHELF". "NONE": No filtering will be performed on the audio output. Useful when using the Line Out as input for an external device. "HIGH/LOW SHELF": A High/Low Shelf Filter is applied to the audio output. The Bass Frequency can be set to: 125Hz, 250Hz, or Disabled. The Treble Frequency can be set to: 4KHz, 8KHz, or Disabled. The Gain can be set to -12dB .. +12dB On Spike 2 the Shelf Frequency and Gain can be set independently for the BackBox and Cabinet speakers. "10 BAND EQ": A full 10 Band EQ is applied to the audio output. Sliders are used to adjust the Gain of a specific range of frequencies. The Frequencies are: 31Hz, 62Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1KHz, 2KHz, 4KHz, 8KHz, 16KHz. The Gain curve has a 60dB dynamic range across the -120 .. +120 Slider settings. On Spike2 the Gain can be set independently for the BackBox and Cabinet speakers. - Allow the knocker sound effect to play completely when a replay is awarded during the last ball bonus and ensure the normal game volume is restored. - Added Standard Adjustment "MAX PLAYERS PER GAME". Values are 1 to 4, with a default setting of 4. This can be used to limit the number of players that can be added to a game. - Added Service Menu selection UTIL->ENDGAME. This selection is only available when there is an active game. When selected the operator will be prompted to confirm that they wish to end the current game. Once confirmed and upon exiting the Service Menu, the game will be in attract mode. - Added Standard Adjustment "ALLOW LEFT+START TO END GAME". Values are: "NEVER", "FREE PLAY ONLY", and "ALWAYS". Default value is "NEVER". During an active game, if the LEFT FLIPPER+START BUTTONs are held for two seconds, the game will be ended. - Added Standard Audit "TOTAL PLAYS ENDED", which will track the number of times a game is ended via the Service Menu or FLIPPER+START BUTTONs. - Added Standard Adjustment "CREDIT FORMAT". Values are: "ACTUAL FRACTION" and "REDUCED FRACTION". Default value is "REDUCED FRACTION". For a USA coindoor when inserting three quarters: "REDUCED FRACTION" would display "1/4", "1/2", "3/4" "ACTUAL FRACTION" would display "1/4", "2/4", "3/4" - Update Italian translation of "ENTER INITIALS" to "INSERISCI LE TUE INIZIALI" - Added Coin door interlock switch support for Spike2. - Updated instructions for RESTORE SETTINGS. - Reordered items in UTIL->VOL, moved CABINET SPEAKER TYPE to be after BACKBOX SPEAKER TYPE. - Added UTIL->RESET->VOL which will reset all audio settings to their default values. - Append (MAX) to the credit message if the number of credits equals the CREDIT LIMIT adjustment. - Updated Custom Pricing Editor to display Pricing Format description in the title area when it is being edited. - Added Standard Adjustment #57 "PRICING FORMAT". Values are: "STANDARD", "MINIMAL", "STD W/ MONETARY SYMBOL", and "MIN W/ MONETARY SYMBOL". "MINIMAL" will replace consecutive identical coin/credit increments with "..". "MONETARY SYMBOL" will add the leading or trail monetary symbol appropriate for the currency is use. For CUSTOM PRICING this can be TOKEN, COIN, SWIPE, or TAP. USA 13 (as opposed to the correct active GAME PRICING) is used to demonstrate the effects of the different options in the Service Menu as there is a difference between STANDARD and MINIMAL formatting. (and there may not be in the current active pricing). STANDARD - USA 13 would be formatted as: 1/1.00 2/2.00 3/3.00 4/4.00 7/5.00 - USA 7 would be formatted as: 1/0.50 2/1.00 4/1.50 6/2.00 MINIMAL - USA 13 would be formatted as: 1/1.00 .. 7/5.00 - USA 7 would be formatted as: 1/0.50 .. 4/1.50 6/2.00 STD W/ MONETARY SYMBOL - USA 13 would be formatted as: 1/$1.00 2/$2.00 3/$3.00 4/$4.00 7/$5.00 - USA 7 would be formatted as: 1/$0.50 2/$1.00 4/$1.50 6/$2.00 MIN W/ MONETARY SYMBOL - USA 13 would be formatted as: 1/$1.00 .. 7/$5.00 - USA 7 would be formatted as: 1/$0.50 .. 4/$1.50 6/$2.00 - Updated Custom Pricing Editor to display using Pricing Format. Use to select the pricing and EDIT to change the Pricing Format. The Pricing Format adjustment will also be updated upon EXIT. - Updated TechAlert switch numbering to be consistent with the game manuals. - Updated Custom Pricing Editor - Uses button navigation to select and edit fields. Use to select the "CREDIT" or "AT:" field and EDIT to change their value. RESET has the options of setting the custom price to the FACTORY default or CURRENT pricing as a starting point for creating the custom price. RESET can also CLEAR the custom price to create one from scratch. Use EXIT to save and install the custom price. Added support to specify money format descriptions for: country monetary symbol ("$", "EUR", etc), "TOKEN", "COIN", and "SWIPE". - Updated Custom Coin Door Editor - RESET has the options of setting the custom coin door to the FACTORY default or CURRENT settings as a starting point for creating the custom coin door. RESET can also CLEAR the custom coin door to create one from scratch. Added error message when attempting to EXIT when the custom coin door is not valid (UNITS PER PULSE is zero or all coin switches have zero PULSES set). - Updated Pricing Table: Standard Euro Coin Door now configured as: "10 units per pulse, Left 5, Center 10, Right 20, 4th 2, 5th 0, 6th 0" Italian Euro Coin Door now configured as: "10 units per pulse, Left 5, Center 1, Right 5, 4th 1, 5th 0, 6th 0" Updated Australia 5 from "1/$2.00, 2/$5.00, 5/$10.00 AU" to "1/$2.00 AU, 2/$3.00 AU" Removed Australia 7 "1/$2.00, 3/$4.00, 4/$5.00 AU" Removed Italy 1 "1/EUR 0.50" Removed Italy 2 "1/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 2.00" Added New Zealand 3 "1/$2 NZ, 2/$3 NZ" Updated Switzerland 2 from "1/1 SwF, 3/2 SwF, 5/3 SwF, 7/4 SwF, 9/5 SwF" to "1/2 SwF, 2/4 SwF, 3/5 SwF" Removed Switzerland 3 "1/2 SwF, 3/5 SwF" Updated UK 1 from "3/1.00 GBP, 7/2.00 GBP" to "1/2.00 GBP" Updated UK 2 from "4/1.00 GBP" to "1/1.00 GBP" Removed UK 6 "3/2.00 GBP" Removed Portugal "1/EUR 0.50" Removed Germany 1 "1/EUR 0.50" Removed Germany 2 "1/EUR 0.50, 2/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 1.50, 5/EUR 2.00" Removed Germany 3 "1/EUR 0.50, 2/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 1.50, 6/EUR 2.00" Removed Euro 4 "1/EUR 0.50, 2/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 1.50, 6/EUR 2.00" Removed Euro 5 "1/EUR 0.50, 3/EUR 1.00, 4/EUR 1.50, 7/EUR 2.00" Removed Euro 6 "2/EUR 0.50" Renamed Euro 7 to Euro 4 "1/EUR 1.00, 2/EUR 2.00, 3/EUR 3.00, 5/EUR 4.00" Renamed Euro 8 to Euro 5 "1/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 2.00" Renamed Euro 9 to Euro 6 "1/EUR 1.00, 2/EUR 1.50, 3/EUR 2.00" Renamed Euro 10 to Euro 7 "1/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 2.00, 7/EUR 3.00" Renamed Euro 11 to Euro 8 "1/EUR 1.00, 4/EUR 2.00" Renamed Euro 12 to Euro 9 "2/EUR 1.00, 4/EUR 2.00, 6/EUR 3.00, 9/EUR 4.00" Removed USA 4 "1/$0.50" "25 units per pulse, Left 1, Center 1, Right 1, 4th 1, 5th 0, 6th 0" Removed USA 6 "1/$0.50" "25 units per pulse, Left 1, Center 6, Right 1, 4th 1, 5th 0, 6th 0" NOTE: USA 3 "1/$0.50" "25 units per pulse, Left 1, Center 4, Right 1, 4th 1, 5th 0, 6th 0" remains unchanged Updated Austria default pricing to Euro 5 Updated Belgium default pricing to Euro 5 Updated Finland default pricing to Euro 5 Updated France default pricing to Euro 7 Updated Germany default pricing to Euro 2 and Euro Coin Door Updated Greece default pricing to Euro 5 Updated Italy default pricing to Euro 5 and Euro Coin Door Updated Netherlands default pricing to Euro 5 Updated Portugal default pricing to Euro 1 and Euro Coin Door Updated Spain default pricing to Euro 5 Updated Switzerland default pricing to Switzerland 1 - Added UTIL->SAVE and UTIL->LOAD which save and restore all game settings to/from a USB thumbdrive. When restoring the settings to the SAME MACHINE, you can choose to restore: "RESTORE ALL SETTINGS" "RESTORE ALL ADJUSTMENTS" "RESTORE ONLY STD ADJUSTMENTS" "RESTORE ONLY HIGH SCORES" "RESTORE ONLY AUDITS" When using the saved settings with another machine of the SAME TITLE and MODEL (for example settings file created on a DeadPool Pro and restoring to a different DeadPool Pro) you can choose to restore: "RESTORE ALL ADJUSTMENTS" "RESTORE ONLY STD ADJUSTMENTS" When using the saved settings with another machine of a DIFFERENT TITLE or MODEL (for example settings file created on a DeadPool Pro and restoring to a Munsters Pro) you can only choose to restore: "RESTORE ONLY STD ADJUSTMENTS" "RESTORE ALL ADJUSTMENTS" will restore the Standard Adjustments listed below and all Feature Adjustments. "RESTORE ONLY STD ADJUSTMENTS" will restore the following Standard Adjustments: Custom Message Custom Pricing Custom Coin Door "REPLAY TYPE" "REPLAY PERCENTAGE" "REPLAY AWARD" "REPLAY LEVELS" "REPLAY BOOST" "SPECIAL LIMIT" "SPECIAL AWARD" "SPECIAL PERCENTAGE" "FREE GAME LIMIT" "EXTRA BALL LIMIT" "EXTRA BALL PERCENTAGE" "GAME PRICING" "MATCH AWARD" "MATCH PERCENTAGE" "BALLS PER GAME" "TILT WARNINGS" "TILT DEBOUNCE" "CREDIT LIMIT" "FREE PLAY" "KNOCKER VOLUME" "START GAME ON CREDIT" "GAME RESTART" "TIMED PLUNGER" "FLIPPER BALL LAUNCH" "COINDOOR BALL SAVER" "COMPETITION MODE" "CONSOLATION BALL" "PLAYER COMPETITION" "TEAM SCORES" "ALLOW HIGH SCORES" "HIGH SCORE AWARD" "GRAND CHAMPION AWARDS" "HIGH SCORE #1 AWARDS" "HIGH SCORE #2 AWARDS" "HIGH SCORE #3 AWARDS" "HIGH SCORE #4 AWARDS" "HSTD INITIALS" "HSTD RESET COUNT" "COIN INPUT DELAY" "LOST BALL RECOVERY" "COIN DOOR DISABLE TILT" "TIME FORMAT" "PRICING FORMAT" "FAST BOOT" "LANGUAGE" "PLAYER LANGUAGE SELECT" "PLAY ATTRACT TUTORIAL VIDEOS" "ATTRACT MODE B.BOX BRIGHTNESS" "GAME PLAY B.BOX BRIGHTNESS" "SERVICE MENU B.BOX BRIGHTNESS" - Games will now persist ALL SETTINGS after a software update. This functionality will be available in the game release AFTER the release which uses system 2.24. - Correct the delay between multiple Q24 knocker requests. Previously the knocks would happen too rapidly and sound like a single loud knock. Now there will be a 3/4 second delay between knocks. If the sound effect knocker is also enabled, it will be synchronized with the Q24 knocker. - Updated COIN DOOR EDITOR to display the selected settings and whether they are the FACTORY default or CUSTOM configuration. - Added Custom Coin Door Editor. You can specify the UNITS PER PULSE for the base coin and the number of PULSES generated by each coin switch (left, center, right, 4th, 5th, 6th). The UNITS have a range of 1 to 10000 and PULSES have a range of 0 to 100. For example the USA coin door has a UNIT of 25 and the left and right slots generate 1 PULSE and the center slot (the DBV) generates four PULSES. The coin mechanisms accept quarters and the DBV dollars. Therefore, the UNIT is 25 (for 25 cents) and the left and right generate 1 PULSE for a single quarter and the center slot generates 4 PULSES for a dollar bill being four quarters. If Standard Adjustment "Game Pricing" is changed to a selection with different UNITS PER PULSE than the active CUSTOM coin door, the custom coin door will be reset to the factory default for that Game Pricing selection. - Added system adjustment for Spike 2 games when a headphone kit is installed: "MUTE KNOCKER IF HP DETECTED" - will not play replay knocker sound when headphones are in use. Default value is NO (not muted). "DISABLE Q24 KNOCK IF HP DETECTED" - will not fire Q24 knocker coil when headphones are in use. Default value is NO (not disabled). - DIAG->NODE->BRD->Overcurrent Test now displays Drive/Coil and Light/LED description instead of device address. PRO V1.06 - November 12, 2018 ============================= NOTE - If you are seeing the ball bounce out of the inner loop after shooting the hoth / video mode shot, please make sure your center post in the back of the loop is adjusted flush with the playfield. Moved to System 2.18: - Update to nodeboard firmware v0.27.0 - Added adjustment to scale GI, Insert, and Flasher LED brightness, range is 25% to 100%. - Added adjustment to limit GI, Insert, and Flasher LED Max brightness, range is 64 to 255. - Added USA_13 Coinage 1/$1.00, 7/$5.00 - Added JAPAN_3 Coinage 1/YEN 200. - When entering UTIL->VOL, the first sub-menu adjustment is selected, previous behavior would select the last displayed sub-menu adjustment. - Added UTIL->VOL adjustments for minimum and maximum master volume level and minimum and maximum headphones volume level. These will limit the selectable volume range from the service menu Plus and Minus keys and the headphones rotary dial. - Added Standard Adjustment "START GAME ON CREDIT". Settings are: "OFF" - Do not automatically start a game or add a player when inserted money registers a credit "FIRST ONLY" - Automatically start a game when inserted money registers a credit "ALL CREDITS" - Automatically start a game or add a player when inserted money registers a credit Adding multiple credits simultaneously, via a bill acceptor, will only start a one player game or add a single player. Default setting is "OFF" - Removed unused obsolete Standard Adjustments: "FLASH LAMP POWER", "COIL PULSE POWER", "BILL VALIDATOR", "TEAM SCORES", and "CONSOLATION BALL". - Removed Standard Adjustments: "COIN DOOR BALL SAVE", "COIN DOOR DISABLE TILT", "COIN DOOR OPEN NODE BUS POWER" from games which do not have a coin door interlock switch. - Added LIFETIME count to Standard Audit #16 "Total Plays". - Added attract mode tutorial videos for inserting coins, pressing start button, using ball plunger, and flipper buttons. - Added new standard adjustment PLAY ATTRACT TUTORIAL VIDEOS which is default to YES. - Added support for 6th coin switch. PRO V1.05 - July 6, 2018 ========================= NOTE - If you are seeing the ball bounce out of the inner loop after shooting the hoth / video mode shot, please make sure your center post in the back of the loop is adjusted flush with the playfield. Moved to System 2.06: - Corrects the single post behavior in some edge cases. - Update to nodeboard firmware v0.23.0 - Enhanced center channel clarity. - Added bass frequency filter selection options: 125Hz, 250Hz, and disabled. - Added treble frequency filter selection options: 4kHz, 8kHz, and disabled. PRO V1.04 - June 20, 2018 ========================= NOTE - If you are seeing the ball bounce out of the inner loop after shooting the hoth / video mode shot, please make sure your center post in the back of the loop is adjusted flush with the playfield. Moved to System 2.04: - Added adjustments for backbox and cabinet speaker types to the service menu UTIL->VOL. Supported speaker types are "STANDARD 8 OHM" and "HIGH PERFORMANCE 4 OHM". The amplifier power curve is appropriately adjusted for the selected speaker type. - Added Maintenance Reboot support. The game will automatically reboot if it has been on for more than 48 hours and has been idle for at least 15 minutes. A 15 second notification display will be presented and can be postponed by pressing both flipper buttons, inserting a coin/bill, or starting a game. - Updated AD_TILT_DEBOUNCE minimum value to 750ms to avoid overly conservative configurations. - DIAG->NODE->COMM test would occasionally falsely report address collisions, this has been corrected. PRO V1.03 - May 8, 2018 ======================== NOTE - If you are seeing the ball bounce out of the inner loop after shooting the hoth / video mode shot, please make sure your center post in the back of the loop is adjusted flush with the playfield. Moved to System 2.01: - Improved audio stability. - Added AD_TILT_DEBOUNCE adjustment. Number of ms to debounce tilt bob. Defaults 1000ms, consider using 450ms for tourneys. - Improved LED refresh rate and blink consistency. - Improved reporting of shorted General Illumination bulbs and sockets. - Extend TIMED PLUNGER adjustment range to DISABLED or 1 - 300 seconds - Correct minimum firing time for flipper coil when an EOS switch is inconsistent or poorly gapped Fixed: - During the last phase of ESCAPE FROM HOTH the small screen was showing the wrong background. - Tie Fighter Multiball Jackpot sounds were not bringing the music back correctly. - Fixed the Hyperspace Hurry up tune. It will no longer be quiet when it loops. - Fixed Holotext sounds. Sometimes they were not playing correctly. - Fixed a couple of misspelled words in the display. - Points were not being awarded correctly in Hyperspace Multiball. - LIGHT VIDEO MODE is no longer offered on CHOOSE YOUR PATH if it is already lit. - Fixed the map number of the upper shooter lane switch in diagnostics. - Removed ability for ESCAPE FROM BOBA FETT to start while other modes were running. - The Custom Message feature will now sow all three lines correctly New: - Added Game Over Lamp effects - The ball is now held during the DESTROY THE DEATH STAR, ESCAPE FROM HOTH, BATTLE OVER ENDOR, and ESCAPE FROM TATOOINE final fanfares. - Added Hyperspace Multiball Total effect for the holotext. - Added some lamps effects and shaker effects for Hyperspace Multiball awards. - Added adjustment for FLIPPERS END BONUS SOUNDS. Defaults to YES. - Added overrides to the HOME12 and DIRECTORS CUT INSTALL options: - PLAY MUSIC IN ATTRACT MODE - YES - PLAY AUDIO IN ATTRACT CLIPS - YES - FLIPPERS END BONUS SOUNDS - NO - FREE PLAY - YES - HSTD INITIALS - 10 LETTER NAME - Added Holotext award for Hyperspace Multiball awards - Added a lamp effect when an ESCAPE FROM BOBA FETT shot is added. - Added adjustment to turn off topper attract sounds separately Tweaked: - Added coils that were missing from COIL TEST. Also several coils needed their coil numbers corrected. - LIGHTSABER DUEL now only requires defeating Vader once per JEDI MULTIBALL play thru. Once completed it will not be started again until the player completes Jedi Multiball. - Stopped the timer sound effects on the FORCE targets during the four mini-wizard multiballs (ESCAPE FROM HOTH, DESTROY THE DEATHSTAR, ESCAPE FROM TATOOINE and BATTLE ABOVE ENDOR) after ADD-A-BALL is awarded. - If VIDEO MODE is started while HOTH and HOTH I are lit, we now spot HOTH I as being complete, and increase the VIDEO MODE LEVEL before play begins. - Greatly improved catching and holding the ball in the horseshoe loop for modes like LIGHTSABER DUEL, HYPERSPACE HURRYUP, HYPERSPACE MULTIBALL and others. - Improved ball search to use all the devices. - Increased Hyperspace Multiball jackpot values. - Tweaked some sound priorities - Increased scoring for Light Saber Duel - Jedi Multiball was redefined and improved. - Now starts with 2 balls in play. - There are two states. - Attacking the Emperor. This state is blue. - The Emperor attacks you. This state is red. - When the lights are blue you have a total of 9 shots to complete the multiball. These will be in 3 sets of 3. - Each set of three has a timer. - Made Jedi Multiball start with 2 balls in play. - Increased how long the last players scores are displayed in the attract mode - Improved the volume of several sounds and speech calls - Added sounds to medal presentation at the start of Jedi Multiball - Shoot again light was sometimes not seen during Jedi Multiball when it should have been. - Improved randomization of BONUS video clips. - Added more sounds for the topper - Changed the attract topper adjustment so the owner can change the attract interval time from 5 to 60 minutes. Or the adjustment can turn it off during the attract mode. PRO V1.02 - March 10, 2018 ========================== Moved to System 1.98: - Improved audio stability. - Added AD_TILT_DEBOUNCE adjustment. Number of ms to debounce tilt bob. Defaults 1000ms, consider using 450ms for tourneys. Fixed: - During the last phase of ESCAPE FROM HOTH the small screen was showing the wrong background. - Tie Fighter Multiball Jackpot sounds were not bringing the music back correctly. - Fixed the Hyperspace Hurry up tune. It will no longer be quiet when it loops. - Fixed Holotext sounds. Sometimes they were not playing correctly. - Fixed a couple misspelled words in the display. - Points were not being awarded correctly in Hyperspace Multiball. New: - Added Game Over Lamp effects - The ball is now held during the DESTROY THE DEATH STAR, ESCAPE FROM HOTH, BATTLE OVER ENDOR, and ESCAPE FROM TATOOINE final fanfares. - Added Hyperspace Multiball Total effect for the holotext. - Added some lamps effects and shaker effects for Hyperspace Multiball awards. - Added adjustment for FLIPPERS END BONUS SOUNDS. Defaults to YES. - Added overrides to the HOME and DIRECTORS CUT INSTALL options: - PLAY MUSIC IN ATTRACT MODE - YES - PLAY AUDIO IN ATTRACT CLIPS - YES - FLIPPERS END BONUS SOUNDS - NO - FREE PLAY - YES - HSTD INITIALS - 10 LETTER NAME Tweaked: - Added coils that were missing from COIL TEST. Also several coils needed their coil numbers corrected. - LIGHTSABER DUEL now only requires defeating Vader once per JEDI MULTIBALL play thru. Once completed it will not be started again until the player completes Jedi Multiball. - Stopped the timer sound effects on the FORCE targets during the four mini-wizard multiballs (ESCAPE FROM HOTH, DESTROY THE DEATHSTAR, ESCAPE FROM TATOOINE and BATTLE ABOVE ENDOR) after ADD-A-BALL is awarded. - If VIDEO MODE is started while HOTH and HOTH I are lit, we now spot HOTH I as being complete, and increase the VIDEO MODE LEVEL before play begins. - Greatly improved catching and holding the ball in the horshoe loop for modes like LIGHTSABER DUEL, HYPERSPACE HURRYUP, HYPERSPACE MULTIBALL and others. - Improved ball search to use all the devices. - Increased Hyperspace Multiball jackpot values. - Tweaked some sound priorities - Increased scoring for Light Saber Duel - Made Jedi Multiball start with 2 balls in play. PRO V1.01 - March 01, 2018 ========================== Moved to System 1.95: - Added USA_12 Coinage 1/$0.25, 5/$1.00 - Added audit for total number of one, two, three, and four players games that have been played. - Improved sound proccessing - Interactively update the backbox brightness while changing Attract Mode, Game Play, and Service Mode adjustments in the service menu - Added adjustments for backbox speaker bass/treble, cabinet speaker bass/treble, and cabinet/backbox speaker balance to service menu UTIL->VOL. Speaker balance allows lowering the volume level of cabinet speaker or backbox speakers vs. the other. - Improved sound issues at power up Fixed: - BONUS CHAMPION was not being displayed during attract mode. - Install Hard or Extra Hard will now work correctly - Changed the lamp #15 to SKILL SHOT to match the manual - The game will now abort mission selection if the ball makes it to the trough. The ball will not end and a new ball will be served. PRO V1.00 - December 11, 2017 ============================= Moved to System 1.88: - Reworked boot time displays for node board firmware update and locating node boards. - Added boot time display for over current detected (shorted coil or LED) on node boards. - Added support for dynamic detection and isolation of over current coils or LEDs. Previous behavior would disable all coils and LEDs for 1/2 second each time a short was detected. New behavior will determine the short coil and/or LED and disable only the offender. - Added tech alert for over current coils and LEDs on node boards. New diagnostic test to retest node board and report with coils/LEDs are drawing too much current. Excessive current draw could be the result of a shorted coil, an incorrect replacement LED/incandescent bulb, shorted light socket, et cetera. - Every 15 minutes during attract mode overcurrent coils/led will be rechecked and returned to service if operating correctly. - Added adjustment for "GAME PLAY B.BOX BRIGHTNESS" - Renamed "BACKBOX BRIGHTNESS" to "ATTRACT MODE B.BOX BRIGHTNESS" Fixed: - FORCE targets will no longer play a sound effect when reset during game over or ball search. - MYSTERY, PICTOPOPS and SKILL SHOT were sometimes awarding LIGHT ESCAPE when it couldn't be lit. - The center instruction display panel, during main play, will now indicate when FORCE targets will award LIGHT VIDEO MODE correctly. - TIE FIGHTER ASSAULT now shows exploding TIEs immediately. - JEDI TRAINING now resets when selecting a new hero. - The CHOOSE YOUR PATH prompt will now be seen during LIGHTSABER DUEL READY - Corrected PICTOPOPS to only award ADD TIME when a timed or hurry up mode is running. - You can no longer start TIE FIGHTER MULTIBALL while it is already running. - During JEDI MULTIBALL victory celebration, the ADD-A-BALL function was still enabled even though it would be lost if used. This has been fixed. - START MISSION as LUKE with multiple groups lit was displaying the wrong image for DEATHSTAR III: FIGHT TIE FIGHTERS. - CHOOSE YOUR PATH was offering HYPERSPACE HURRYUP when it wasn't playable. - Sometimes the "NEXT AWARD" shown on the small display for TIE achievement levels was not correct. - The HEADPHONE CABLE KIT DETECT switch during ACTIVE SWITCH TEST was overlapping the switch information. - The shot multiplier was always 1X when playing VIDEO MODE from HOTH I. It now uses the RIGHT INNER LOOP's multiplier correctly. - If LIGHTSABER DUEL was played multiple times, only the most recent victory or defeat was used to qualify towards JEDI MULTIBALL. Now any LIGHTSABER DUEL victory will qualify. - Very long tournament player names displayed during attract mode were being truncated. - Greatly improved process stability. The game will no longer hold on to the ball when it should not. Also the some of the mechanical devices will be better behaved. Also the screen should no longer freeze during TIE Fighter Assault. - Improved lamp effect resource allocation. The game will no longer crash from missing resources. - Sometimes Slave One would appear to be stuck or reappear too quickly on the background display. New: - Added a right eject ball save adjustment. If the adjustment is non-zero, the ball saver will activate for the amount of time of the adjustment whenever balls are ejected from the scoop. The factory default is zero. If you want to turn on 5 seconds is recommended. - Added sound fx to Advanced TIE reveals in the small display. - Added lamp effect when hitting FORCE targets. - Added lamp effects when ESCAPE is lit or used. - Added speech callouts when players are awarded some of the HSTD champions. - Added instructional speech for FORCE target awards except when in tournament mode. - Added audits for extra balls lit from TIE Fighter achievements and from the Advance TIE mini game. - Added speech for - TIE FIGHTER MULTIBALL SUPER JACKPOT - VICTORY MULTIBALL - EXTRA BALL LIT - ESCAPE FROM BOBA FETT - Lighting missions - Shot Multipliers are DOUBLED - During TIE FIGHTER ASSAULT - The hurry up stages of DUEL ON CLOUD CITY and CLOUD CITY ESCAPE - The hurry up stages of REPAIR THE HYPERDRIVE and TIE FIGHTER ESCAPE - Lighting MYSTERY. - Starting HYPERSPACE MULTIBALL. - Added difficulty adjustments for JEDI TRAINING, LIGHTSABER DUEL and ESCAPE FROM BOBA FETT. - Added all difficulty adjustments to INSTALL functions (INSTALL EASY, INSTALL 3 BALL, etc.) - Added new rules and choreography to BATTLE ABOVE ENDOR: - To destroy the Death Star you need to first light the inner left loop. - To light the inner left loop you have to complete 3 other shots before the timer runs out. - Each shot will start a timer for the next shot. - The 3 bank will add time. The center target will add the most time. - If the timer runs out the Death Star will destroy a Capital ship and the mission will reset. You will need to complete 3 shots once more. - Once the inner left loop is lit, shoot it to destroy the death star. - Destroying the Death Star will take you to Victory Multiball. - Added new rules and choreography to ESCAPE FROM HOTH. To complete this mission you have to fire ion cannons so your transports can escape. Also you need to destroy an AT-AT. Afterward you will be able to get to the Falcon and "Punch it": - The spinner and pop-bumpers will build your award value. Shoot the left orbit 3 times to fire an ion cannon. Then the 3-bank will collect the last award of this part. - Afterward the 3-bank will continue to increase the award value. - Shoot the inner loop 4 times to wrap your tow cable around the legs of an AT-AT to bring it down. - Last two ramp shots are needed to light the final HOTH shot. - Shooting the final shot will allow Han and friends to escape from Darth Vader and start Victory Multiball. - Added new incentive for playing Leia. Your shot multiplier is now +3X if you are playing as Leia and you are playing in a 4th Mission multiball. - Added compensation to the FORCE DROP TARGET BANK. If the DISABLE LEFT DROP TARGETS adjustment is set to YES, then the game will spot a FORCE target when any of the 9 standup targets are hit. The skill shot on the FORCE TARGETS will also be disabled. - Added new rules and choreography for ESCAPE FROM TATOOINE. - Shoot the alternating shots of left ramp and right inner loop to progress the story of Luke getting to the yacht, retrieving Leia, and exploding Jaba's Yacht. - There 9 parts to the story. - Along the way the 3 bank, right ramp, and right eject will increase your award value. - So you have a choice of going straight for the end or trying to maximize your scoring potential. - Completing the 9 shots will start Victory Multiball. - Added an incentive for playing Han during ESCAPE FROM BOBA FETT. If you are playing Han during, each leg of the gauntlet will have higher base value. - Added an incentive for playing Luke during LIGHT SABER DUEL. If you are playing Luke your base award value will be greater. Tweaked: - Shortened the time that the "ENTER YOUR INITIALS" display is on the screen when achieving high scores or champions. - Adjusted "ball in play" display alignment when language is FRENCH or ITALIAN. - Removed the lamp effect game start that showed hyperspace hurry-up is lit. - Changed the default master volume to 18 - The Adjustment that allows movie clips in the attract mode to play sounds now defaults to NO. IF YOU WANT THESE CLIPS TO PLAY SOUND USE THIS ADJUSTMENT. - The Adjustment that allows the Opening Text Scroll in the attract mode to play sounds now defaults to NO. IF YOU THE TEXT SCROLL TO PLAY MUSIC USE THIS ADJUSTMENT. - Improved the HYPERSPACE HURRYUP and VICTORY MULTIBALL JACKPOT award animations - The ball in play and shot multiplier are no longer displayed during MATCH. - Corrected the order of some lamp sweeps - Added a setting for the Mission stacking adjustment. Default is now 4th missions do not stack with other missions. - Improved the single post behavior in some edge cases. - HYPERSPACE MULTIBALL's parsec display corrected to 3 decimal digits of precision. - All GI strings are now lit during test mode. - The coin door GI was turning off and back on. This has been corrected. - Reordered TEST MENU FEATURE AUDITS into logical groupings. - Tweaked TIE FIGHTER MULTIBALL JACKPOT and SUPER JACKPOT sound effect priorities. - The deprecated BILL VALIDATOR adjustment has been removed. - Enhanced the TIE FIGHTER MULTIBALL SUPER JACKPOT display effect. - Removed the Adjustment Reduce intense lamp effects - Removed sound attenuation settings from French overrides. - During HYPERSPACE MULTIBALL, the PARSECS display will only increase while balls are active on the playfield. - The top lane inserts weren't visible during certain modes. They now light up on a timer when the ball is in the area. - Added Darth breathing effects to TIE FIGHTER MULTIBALL during SUPER JACKPOT. - Tweaked the VIDEO MODE collision lamp effects. - Adjusted the diagnostic values of some lamps, coils, and switches to match the manual. - Added time to DESTROY THE DEATHSTAR shot timer. This will make the mission easier to complete and destroy the Death Star. - Increased the ball save timer for all the multiballs by at least 5 seconds each. For most of them this means they will be 15 seconds now by default instead of 10. - While HYPERSPACE HURRY UP was running, the left orbit and right ramp arrows were solid yellow. They now cycle thru any other running mode's colors. - Tweaked the timing of some speech calls to more better hear them. PRO V0.94 - November 6, 2017 ===================================== New: - Moved to System 1.80: - Updated Norway coin door to 1/5/10/20 Kr for left/center/right/4th slot. - Updated Sweden coin door to 1/5/10/2 Kr for left/center/right/4th slot. - Added Sweden 3 credit pricing 1 credit for 10 Kr. - Updated Sweden dip switch setting (0x0B) default to Sweden 3 pricing. PRO V0.93 - October 18, 2017 ============================= Fixed: - In competition mode, Mystery now presents awards in a deterministic manner. - Mystery would sometimes award INCREASE SPINNER LEVEL when it was already at maximum. - Although the correct award was recorded, the rightmost TIE Fighter in the mini display would always display "100K". - Sometimes the TIE Fighters would not be displayed. - TIE Fighters now leave both displays when their corresponding timer expires. - TIE Fighter will no longer animate a previous explosion when the cockpit display returns. - The cockpit TIE Fighter explosions were sometimes running at double speed. - Mystery and Pops would sometimes award JEDI TRAINING when the game was already at JEDI MASTER level. - Tournaments will no longer display $0.00 for winners in attract mode. - The scoring for the 4th mission of each group will no longer carry over from game to game. It will reset to the default value each time you start the mission. New: - A lamp effect was added to the TIE target arrows when a TIE is destroyed. - A new challenge was added to the TIE fighter mini-screen main-play 3-bank rules. - You can now light extra ball from destroying TIE fighters on the mini-screen. - At each new ball, a random target from the 3-bank, is selected. - After you destroy a some TIE fighters on that target, an Advanced TIE fighter will start showing up. - After you destroy enough Advanced TIE Fighters a pinball ball will show up." - Hit the target associated with the pinball on the display to light "Extra Ball". - There is only one opportunity to light an "Extra Ball" during each ball, and only one can be lit per game. - Light "EXTRA BALL" now runs a lamp effect. - Audits were added for major game features. - Moved to System 1.77: - Replaced hardware version number with OS version number on diagnostic screen. - Added a message LOCATING NODE BOARDS. This will display if a required node board is not discovered, previously it would incorrectly state UPDATING NODE BOARD and UPDATE FAILED. The node board number(s) of missing boards will be displayed and updated as boards are found. Tweaked: - Added some names to the scrolling credits easter egg ( 1 2 3 ) PRO V0.92 - October 6, 2017 ========================= Fixed: - Fixed a stabilazation issue introduced in V0.91 PRO V0.91 - September 29, 2017 ============================== Fixed: - When the last mission to complete was started, the video introduction and instructions were being skipped. This has been corrected. - The spinner holo display effect was broken in V0.89. It now animates properly. - If a higher priority holo display effect was being displayed, each spinner hit would extend its display time. This has been fixed. - Fixed R2-D2 tag line in instant info - The right EOS switch will no longer report to be bad when it's not. - The music for the mission Escape from Cloud City will no longer go silent. - The orbit test will no longer make a sound as a ball goes around the orbit. - Fixed how Victory Multiball handles grace periods. If you Add-A-Ball during the grace period with two Victory Multiballs running simultaneously, both restart correctly. - All timers will now pause during Boba Fett awards and total screens. - Fixed when Jedi Multiball Ready will start. It now waits for multiball grace periods to end so you cannot start it and resurrect a multiball. - The 3-bank skill shot arrows were not being seen if you were in the middle of "Fight the TIE fighters" mission. This has been corrected. - The single post will no longer come up when it should not after Hyperspace Hurry up. - Escape from Boba Fett will no longer start with other modes when the final shot to start Boba Fett is the same shot that would start a mission. - Fixed the sudden jump in Jackpot value for Hyperspace Multiball. The value will now grow as designed. - Changing the "Choose Your Path" option will no longer kill the shoot again sound FX. - The small display no longer shows the incorrect background after MATCH. - Attract mode no longer shows the incorrect data for REPLAY LEVEL 4, when enabled. - If REPLAY LEVELS adjustment is set for anything but 1 or 4, and you use the left flipper to navigate backwards during attract, the wrong background clip was displayed when showing replay level 2 or 3. This has been corrected. - Instant Info HSTD #2 wasn't displaying the initials. - Attract mode video clips and speech will no longer step on each other. - Sometimes the theme music was not in sync with the intro video during attract mode. - Holotext effects were sometimes not displaying when collecting BONUS HOLD and +X BONUS MULTIPLIERS. - BONUS HOLD was carrying over some bonus scoring it shouldn't have. New: - Added Instructions on the small lcd during mission start. - Added "Navigate the Asteroid Field" Video Mode: - You can play it two ways. You can choose the Hoth I mission. Also you can light it by completing the FORCE drop targets 3 times. - During the video mode: - Use the left and right flipper buttons to move the Falcon left and right. - Use the action button to go faster for a short time. - Avoid hitting Asteroids - You receive points from passing asteroids and from your best streak of asteroids without hitting one. - Your Level and shot multiplier will also affect your scoring. - There is a video mode champion - Only Leia and Han can play the Hoth I mission. - Added "Light Saber Duel": - It will light when you complete the 5th set of FORCE targets - Lightsaber Duel Ready will automatically start when you have it lit and nothing else is running. - Shoot the left ramp to then start Lightsaber Duel. - During the mode: - The object is to delay Vader while your friends escape - Blue shots (both inner loop shots and right ramp) will help your friends escape. - Red Shots (Left ramp and 3-bank) will increase your time. - The mode ends if the time runs out. - The four character inserts (Han, Leia, R2-D2, and Luke) will show your progress. - The FORCE bank will increase the award values - Regular FORCE bank rules are suspended during this - Added a new choose your path option for all characters - The mode will only end when you complete all the blue shots or the time runs out. - The mode will continue at the start of the next ball if it was not finished by either method. - Added a CHOOSE YOUR PATH item for all characters allowing you to max out your timer at the start of a new ball. - Added a x-wing shooting type sound on the button during TIE fighter assault - Added BONUS HOLD message during end of ball bonus. - Added adjustment to disable any adult speech. - Added Pop bumper lamp effects. Tweaked: - Improved some confusion when the multiplier was toggled on or off. - Lowered the default score needed to beat the bonus champion - Moved Spinner and timer sounds to different tracks so they would not interfere with each other. - Tweaked the attract movie clips - Tweaked the volume of some tunes - Changed the tune for Endor II - Throne Room Duel - Changed the order of instant info. Moved more ball relevant data closer to the top. - Increased the scoring for Tatooine II - Escape from Mos Eisley. - Increased the scoring for Tatooine III - The Rancor - Changed 3-Bank skill shot to only be one shot that moves - Added the shaker motor to the Match choreography. - Added sounds to 10 point switches - Added the Escape light to the lights that are not hidden during Escape from Boba Fett. You can now see if you have Escape lit during that mode. - Shortened how long the game holds the ball to show the player their Boba Fett Total. - Callouts in Death Star I are less repetitive. - Attract mode no longer plays video clips while game over music is playing. - The list of champions in the attract mode are now all on separate pages. You can now use the flipper buttons to move to the one of interest quickly. - Reordered CHAMPION adjustments to match attract mode and Instant Info. - Completing a Jedi Rank will now spot a set of FORCE targets. - Time of day during attract mode no longer uses an abbreviated name of the month. - Changed the color of combo shots from Mauve to Cyan. - Canceling Bonus with the flippers now kills the sound from scene. PRO V0.90 - August 24, 2017 =========================== Moved to System Version 1.76 - Updated UK pricing - Added China dip switch setting - Added support for China currency and pricing. - Added support for eWallet psuedo ticket dispenser device. Only selectable for China dip switch setting. The ticket and redemption systems will ingnore this device if selected. PRO V0.89 - August 14, 2017 =========================== Fixed: - Corrected the 'long-press' time of the action button to add-a-ball. It was supposed to be 1/3 of a second instead of 1/2. It is now 1/2 second only if you are in TIE fighter Assault. - The sequence of Destroy the Death Star scenes were not played in order. - Fixed ball search and the double post. It will now release the ball correctly. New: - Added R2-D2 topper support throughout the game. Tweaked: - Shot Multipliers and ball start work a bit differently. The multipliers are off at ball start. You can always move them all you want. They cannot be turned on until the ball is plunged. Valid playfied will always lock them on. This way they can always be changed at ball start and are always on at the start of playing each ball. - Increased how long the button is ignored at the end of TIE fighter assault with regard to changing your multipliers. - Only the last tilt warning will blink the word danger. This will help communicate which how many you have left. - Improved the holo-text messaging system. Messages will now be able interrupt themselves when appropriate. - Made Destroy the Death Star slightly easier to complete. It is now a total of eight shots instead of nine. Also the timer before each phase times out is slightly longer. PRO V0.88 - August 11, 2017 =========================== Fixed: - Fixed text that ran too long in the extra ball instant info page - Fixed restarting a 4th mission from grace with add a ball. It will now end correctly. - Custom coinage for Canadian coin issue resolved. - Deathstar III could cause a crash if played a second time in a game. - Fixed some modes that sometimes, didn't handle their state correctly when played a second time in the same game. - Deathstar I was not starting the hurry ups correctly. New: - Added support for new headphone jack accessory - Added an adjustment to stop the stacking of missions or to stop stacking until their 2nd character. Default is STACKING ALLOWED. - Added a new bonus scene - Added 3 new ball saved animations. Now each character has their own. - Added a new feature adjustment to adjust the trough power - Added a sound for the end of the high score presentation - Added Jedi-Multiball: - You need to complete the path to Jedi Multiball to light it, including: - Start all four 4th missions - Complete Escape from Boba Fett - Defeat Light Saber Duel (currently spotted for you) - Destroy 100 TIE fighters - Reach Jedi Master - If you bring medals to Jedi Multiball you will be awarded bonus points. You can collect a medal from each Victory Multiball. - There is an instant info page that shows your progress on the path - There is an instant info page that shows how many Medals you have collected. - Added a page to the start of bonus if you have advanced toward Jedi Multiball on that ball - Added adjustment "ALLOW TWO MISSIONS TO STACK" to the competition install. There will be no stacking in competition mode. - Ticket Dispenser will now work correctly Tweaked: - Tweaked default High Scores to reflect new score levels - The moving Skill Shot speed will now be random from ball to ball - Improved the Tilt animations - You can now press both flippers to end the extra ball show - Added new match number animations - Added death star powering up its main weapon during match lamp show - TIE Fighter Multiball JACKPOTs now increase in value for each one collected. - Improved the Hyperspace Multiball lighting to be not so dark - Tweaked some of the speech calls for tilt and tilt warning - Tweaked some of the attract mode scenes - Tilt Warning sound ran a bit too long. - Improved the choreography when TIE Fighter multiball starts during TIE fighter Assault. - Tweaked the description of the Death Star lights in test mode to be accurate. PRO V0.87 - July 26, 2017 ====================== Fixed: - v0.86 broke - Far left mini target will now work correctly. Tweaked: - Changed the priortiy of TIE fighter hurry up lamps to be higher than Death Star III mission. PRO V0.86 - July 26, 2017 ====================== Fixed: - Removed Accelerator switches from reporting they are bad in tech alert. - Game will no longer crash during mini-wizard modes if you complete them during the grace. - Made 2nd Hyperspace multiball in the same game end correctly. - Made 2nd Victory multiball in the same game end correctly. Tweaked: - Shortened one of the speech calls for choosing Han. - Greatly slowed down how fast the shot arrows blink esecpially if there is more than one color the arrow is cycling through. - Added left side flasher to the TIE fighter explosion. - Greatly reduced the scoring of most of the game. - Tweaked default High Scores to reflect new score levels. PRO V0.85 - July 19, 2017 ========================= Fixed: - Improved how the ball is detected in the inner loop. - Improved memory allocation. - Shot multipliers now show up during Mystery and mission selection. - Fixed adding balls to multiballs during grace period. - Fixed how missions are calculated when awarding light extra ball. - Fixed the width of feature adjustment #6. It was a bit too long. - Stopped sounds from the action button during bonus. - Removed Jedi training from the "choose your path" if you are a Jedi master. - Fixed the "Path to Jedi Multiball" instant info page to read ?Lightsaber Duel? instead of ?Jedi Duel?. - Fixed the ?Choose Your Path? instant info page to read "Choose Your Path" - TIE Fighters will now be awarded correctly when the ball hits the 3-bank during ?TIE Fighter Assault.? - Improved the inner loop logic to trap the ball more consistently. - ?TIE Fighter Multiball? will now end properly when down to one ball. - Improved the handling of dollar bill acceptors. New: - Added Mystery light to the mystery background lamp effect. - Added Holo-Text for when Double Multipliers start. - Added Game Credits Easter Egg @123. - Added Bonus Champion. - Added lamp effects to ?Hyperspace Multiball?. - Added grace period to ?Escape from Boba Fett?. It will now continue if you add time from the hitting the three bank targets. - In competition mode the left orbit will always loop and the right orbit will always go to the top lanes. - Added Extra ball instant info page. - Removed +5% score from ?Choose Your Path? if in competition mode. - Added adjustment for ?Hyperspace Multiball? difficulty. - Added an adjustment for the base number of TIE fighters required to start multiball. - Install Competition Mode now: - Sets MULTIPLIERS DIFFICULTY to HARD - Sets HYPERSPACE MBALL DIFFICULTY to HARD - Sets TIE FIGHTERS MULTIBALL to 50 - Sets START GAME FROM BUTTON to NO - Sets REDUCE INTENSE LAMP EFFECTS to YES - Upper shooter lane switch now sets valid playfield. Tweaked: - Added red general illumination to the tie fighter toy explosion effect. - Tweaked the pop bumper rule to change the frequency of some of the awards. - Changed the default, min and max for how many missions are needed for Extra Ball. - Removed redundant speech from character selection event. - Three bank target now starts valid playfield. This will end some at ball-start, at ball-launch confusion. - Tweaked the flipper speech call outs. - Tweaked some of the attract mode scenes. - Tweaked the verbiage of some ?holo?-text messages. - Stopped scenes in the mini-lcd during ?Destroy the Death Star? from interrupting each other. - Tweaked background lamp effect for Death Star III so it will not get buried when TIE Fighter multiball runs. - Prioritized the sound of start scenes to not play over each other. They will always interrupt each other. - Shot arrows and multiplier arrows will now show their game state during many of the award lamp effects. - The combo timer will now pause for various things, including when the ball is in the pop bumpers. - During ?Escape from Boba Fett? the orbits will always loop around. - Stacking two 4th missions will now award an extra ball for the combined multiballs. - Improved the delay before kicking the ball out from the right eject. - Tweaked the character start speech to be more random. - Changed extra ball when set to points to award 10 Million points. - Changed the timing of the shot multipliers: - Lowered how long the multipliers stay increased - Lowered the time that multipliers remain incremented when in competition mode. - Selecting R2-D2 now awards more time before shot multipliers time out. - As your multiplier value increases the available time duration is decreased. - In competition mode, if you have the multipliers at maximum, you can not increase the time. PRO V0.84 - July 11, 2017 ====================== - The shaker motor in test mode now works correctly. - Added extra bonus scenes - Added more sounds - Changed how TIE Fighter Assault works. It will stop allowing TIE fighters to be destroyed at zero seconds. - Fixed bonus count for Missions on your second character within one game. - Changed how TIE fighter multiball starts and awards jackpots / Super Jackpots - Changed the layout of the bonus multipliers during the skill shot. - Changed the test menu to be blue. PRO V0.83 - July 7, 2017 ===================== - Initial release.