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Here are some hints and tips to help you find what you're looking for on our site!

Still not finding what you need? Just e-mail us! E-mail is the quickest way to communicate with us. We check and respond to e-mails multiple times each business day.

Click any link below for an example of each search:
Searching by Game Name?
Make sure you're spelling the game name correctly! This is the number one most common error we see with searches on our site.
  • Incorrectly spelled game names will usually yield no results in a search.
  • When in doubt, go look at your pinball machine, and write down the title exactly as it's spelled/printed on the game, then enter it that way.
  • Be sure to include any punctuation in the game name (commas, hyphens, apostrophes). These are part of the name.
  • Don't use abbreviations ('TAF', 'TZ', 'BTDK', etc.) These usually don't work. Use the game's name.
For example:
Incorrect:   Correct:
Adams FamilyAddams Family
Bally 8 BallEight Ball
Black NightBlack Knight
BlackknightBlack Knight
Charlies AngelsCharlie's Angels
Circus VoltaireCirqus Voltaire
Fan Tas TicFan-Tas-Tic
FishtailsFish Tales
Midevil MadnessMedieval Madness
ToTANTales of the Arabian Nights

Shorter is better:
For the most accurate results, enter a single word, single part number, or otherwise "short" search phrase with as few words as possible.

For example:
Instead Of:   Just Type This:
Slingshot Bumper Slingshot
03-7811 EOS Switch 03-7811
1979 Bally Paragon Pinball Parts Paragon
Pop Bumper Bracket # 515-5939-00 515-5939-00
The Who's Tommy the Pinball Wizard Tommy
Bally/Williams Sub-Microswitch Assembly #5647-12693-13 5647-12693-13

Game-Specific Parts:
Looking for parts that are specific to a particular game? Our site is "game-name search friendly"! Simply enter the name of your game to see what we have just for it!

For example:
Instead Of:   Try This:
Twilight Zone Bumper Caps Twilight Zone
1977 Bally Mata Hari Mata Hari
Stern Meteor Meteor
Stellar Wars Drop Targets Stellar Wars or Stellar

Part Numbers:
Many part numbers change over the years, are superceded by different numbers, or have minor changes to the part number suffix. If your full part number doesn't yield good results, try a partial part number.

For example:
Instead Of:   Try This:
254-5014-00 254-5014
090-5044-01 090-5044

Multiple parts often have the same prefix, but different suffixes (especially for parts that are available in a variety of colors). Enter a partial number to see a wider variety of available parts.

For example:
Instead Of:   Try This:
03-8254-8 03-8254
03-8319-13 03-8319

Used Parts:
To see our huge selection of used parts, simply add the term "pre-owned" to your search phrase (be sure to include the hyphen). This will pull up all matching used items.

For example: "bumper parts pre-owned", or "drop targets pre-owned"

You can also search by game name, part number, or item description. Used parts are displayed in search results along with new parts.

Other Info:
Make sure you're spelling your search term correctly. Examples:
  • Manual (not 'manuel')
  • Solenoid (not 'selenoid')

Still not finding what you need? Just e-mail us! E-mail is the quickest way to communicate with us. We check and respond to e-mails multiple times, daily.

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