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Sorcerer (Williams) ROM Chips:
Price: $18.00 each
Status: In Stock
Part #: ROMS293
Condition: New
Replacement and upgrade ROM chips. Chips come with installation info including a link to online step-by-step instructions (with pictures), and a diagram showing locations of ROM chips in your particular game.
Select and order above. Not sure what version you need? Click here for help.
Software Revision History for Sorcerer: None (not available, or never published/released by manufacturer).
Officially-released Bally & Williams software that we supply are Genuine Bally/Williams Replacement Parts and are supplied with permission of Planetary Pinball Supply, Inc. Each copy includes a $2 non-refundable charge which covers Williams Electronics Games licensing fee and a processing fee. Official terms of software use and licensing can be reviewed here. Your purchase and use of official Bally/Williams software that we provide indicates your acceptance of, and compliance with, the terms in the Williams Software License.
The above software is provided as a service, but is not being sold. Price above reflects the cost of the service to provide the manufacturer-owned software on game-compatible media, and installation instructions for the software that comes on the media. We do not sell or own any manufacturer software.
NOTE: No returns on ROM & Software Updates - all sales final.
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Used In The Following Games: (The list below may not be complete, and it's accuracy is not guaranteed. Contact us if you have any questions.)
WILLIAMS: Sorcerer
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