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Item: "Gift "

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Featured Items:

Maverick the Movie (Data East / Sega) Rubber Ring Kit (w/o short post rubbers)

World Cup (Williams) Electronic Components and Assemblies Manual (ORIGINAL - USED)
$15.00 each

Car License Plate Frame
$7.99 each

74LS20N Dual 4-Input Logic Gates IC
$1.79 each

Funhouse (Williams) S Target Plastic w/ Popcorn
$17.50 set

Ball Shooter Housing - Black (Stern)
$32.19 each

Playfield Bumper Sleeve Post #6-32 Top / #10-32 Stud Base (Stern)
$8.19 each

Coil - AF-27-1000/32-1300 (Bally)
$21.99 each

Leaf Switch w/ Bracket - 2-Lug (Williams)

Standup Target - Narrow (Oblong) - Red - Front-Mount
$9.99 each

Mushroom Bumper Target - Yellow w/ Black Design (Bally)
$7.59 each

Theatre of Magic (Bally) Trunk Opto Interruptor - Metal
$49.99 each

Hardbody (Bally) Rubber Ring Kit

Relay Assembly w/ G-23-345 Coil - 4PST (Bally) (USED)

Blackwater 100 (Bally) ROM Chips

Pop Bumper Assembly (Williams EM) w/ G-22-550 Coil

Coil Mounting Bracket (Bally/Williams)

Spy Hunter video (Midway) Steering Stop Pin
$11.99 each

Kick Big Assembly (Data East)

Sharpshooter II (Game Plan) ROM Chips

Flat Washer - 3/8 Inch ID - Stainless Steel
$0.70 each

Pinball Champ 82 (Zaccaria) ROM Chips

Coil and Bracket Assembly (Bally/Williams)

Ball Shooter Internal Spring (Standard Strength)
$0.99 each

Safe Cracker (Bally) Spinning Disc Decal
$14.29 each
