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Flipper Rebuild Kit - Right Side Only - Bally Games 1980-1988:

Price: $45.58 each

Status: In Stock
(6 Available)



Part #: FLKIT6-R
Condition: New
Flipper rebuild kit for Bally pinball games made between mid-1980 and late 1988 (see game listing below). Includes replacement parts for 1 flipper (RIGHT SIDE ONLY).

Includes the following parts:

  1. This kit includes one (1) EOS switch. If the flipper assembly you are rebuilding has a 2nd (outer) EOS switch which controls an upper flipper, you may or may not need to replace that 2nd switch. If you do, it must be ordered separately (not included in kit because not all games that use this kit have upper flippers.) You can order part # ASW-A10-45 separately.

  2. EOS Switch Screws (sold separately - 2 per switch):
    • 2-leaf (03-7811 or ASW-A20-23): Use # HWR02-020508.
    • 3-leaf (ASW-A20-34): Use # HWR02-020510.
    • 2-leaf with 2nd switch (ASW-A10-34) for upper flipper: Use # HWR02-020514.
    • 3-leaf with 2nd switch: Use # HWR02-020516B.

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    Used In The Following Games: (The list below may not be complete, and it's accuracy is not guaranteed. Contact us if you have any questions.)
    BALLY: Baby Pac-Man, Beat the Clock, Black Belt, Black Pyramid, Blackwater 100, BMX, Centaur, Centaur II, City Slicker, Cybernaut, Dungeons & Dragons, Eight Ball Champ, Eight Ball Deluxe, Eight Ball Deluxe Limited Edition, Elektra, Embryon, Escape From the Lost World, Fathom, Fireball Classic, Fireball II, Flash Gordon, Frontier, Goldball, Grand Slam, Granny and the Gators, Heavy Metal Meltdown, Hotdoggin', Grand Slam, Hardbody, Karate Fight, Kings of Steel, Lady Luck, Medusa (lower flippers only), Motordome, Mr. & Mrs. Pac-Man, Mystic, Party Animal, Rolling Stones, Skateball, Speakeasy, Speakeasy 4, Special Force, Spectrum, Spy Hunter, Strange Science, Truck Stop (upper flippers only), Vector, Viking, Xenon, X's & O's

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