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25-cent (US/Canada) Coin Mechanism - Composite:


Status: Out of Stock - Discontinued  more info...
Condition: New

25-cent coin mechanism designed for U.S. Quarters. Will also accept Canadian Quarters when magnet is removed from housing. Also known as coin acceptor, coin rejector, or slug rejector. Can be installed in virtually any coin-operated game that takes quarters with this type of standard mechanism.

Fully adjustable with all of the quality devices and coin verification features found in any high-quality mech.

Composite plastic construction. Includes molded-in plastic mounting studs on all four corners for mounting in most any game (see Fitment Notes below).

Also includes holes for installing additional mounting studs at the half-way point on either side for mounting in older Chicago Coin, Gottlieb, and Stern games, or others that require studs at mid-point. For extra studs, use part # 35-0079-00 (SAE), or 42-0125-01 (metric). (Installation of studs in middle holes on this mech will require tapping to create the appropriate size threads before new studs can be screwed-in).

Measures approx. 3-1/2 inches wide by 4 inches tall.

  1. European/Japanese Coin Doors: May not fit on some European or Japanese coin doors that use different size/style mechs. Compare measurements above before ordering.
  2. Chicago Coin, Early Stern, Gottlieb Games:
    • Will fit and work when studs are installed in middle holes for mounting (see above note on studs/threading).
    • May not work with coin lockout mechanism on some models due to thicker material on this replacement mech.
  3. Late-model Bally/Williams Games Late 1980s-Up: Many of these games that do not require studs on the back (coin door side) of the mech will have to have the studs removed before installing. Grind/cut/file off to remove.
  4. Williams Games 1965-1982: Some modification to this mech is required for use in these games. The rear 2 mounting studs must be filed-off the mech and these spots drilled/tapped to #6-32 size for mounting of the original Williams long mounting studs required by these games. Mech will also require original Williams retaining tab to be installed/mounted on the front of the mech (drill/tap for #6-32 thread). Williams long studs and retaining tabs are obsolete parts, so will have to be acquired from your old mech, or sourced from a parts machine.

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    Used In The Following Games: (The list below may not be complete, and it's accuracy is not guaranteed. Contact us if you have any questions.)
    BALLY (See Fitment Note 3): 4 Queens, 50/50, Aces High, Addams Family, Addams Family Gold, Air Aces, Aladdin's Castle, Alligator, Amigo, Attack From Mars, Atlantis, Baby Pac-Man, Bali-Hi, Bally Hoo, Band Wagon, Bazaar, Beat the Clock, Big Show, Big Valley, Black Belt, Black Jack, Black Pyramid, Black Rose, Blackwater 100, Blue Ribbon, BMX, Bon Voyage, Boomerang, Boot-A-Ball, Bow and Arrow, Bowl-O, Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball, Bullfight, Bulls Eye, Cactus Canyon, Camelot, Campus Queen, Capersville, Capt. Fantastic, Centaur, Centaur II, Champ, Champion Pub, Circus, Cirqus Voltaire, City Slicker, Corvette, Cosmint, Cosmos, Creature From the Black Lagoon, Cybernaut, Delta Queen, Deluxe Fun Cruise, Discotek, Dixieland, Doctor Who, Dogies, Dolly Parton, Double-Up, Dr. Dude, Dungeons & Dragons, Eight Ball, Eight Ball Champ, Eight Ball Deluxe, El Toro, Elektra, Elvira and the Party Monsters, Embryon, Escape From the Lost World, Evel Knievel, Expressway, Fathom, Fireball, Fireball Classic, Fireball II, Firecracker, Flash Gordon, Flicker, Flip Flop!, Fore!, Four Million B.C., Freedom, Frontier, Fun Cruise, Future Spa, Galahad, Game Show, Gator, Gay Cruise, Gilligan's Island, Gold Rush, Gold Ball, Grand Slam, Granny and the Gators, Hang Glider, Hardbody, Harlem Globetrotters, Harley Davidson, Heavy Metal Meltdown, Heat Wave, Hi Deal, Hi-Lo Ace, Hokus Pokus, Hotdoggin', Indianapolis 500, Joker, Joust, Judge Dredd, Karate Fight, Kick Off, King Rex, King Tut, Kings of Steel, KISS, Knockout, Lady Luck, Little Joe, Loop-the-Loop, Lost World, Magic Circle, Mariner, Mata Hari, Medusa, MiniZag, Motordome, Mr. & Mrs. Pac-Man, Monkey Bash, Monte Carlo, Mousin' Around, Mystic, NBA Fastbreak, Night Rider, Nip-It, Nitro Ground Shaker, Odds & Evens, Old Chicago, On Beam, Op-Pop-Pop, Paragon, Party Animal, Party Zone, Playboy, Pool Sharks, Popeye Saves the Earth, Power Play, Quarterback, Radical!, Red Max, Revenge From Mars, Rock Makers, Rocket III, Ro Go, Rolling Stones, Round Up, Safari, Safe Cracker, Scared Stiff, Sea Ray, See-Saw, Shadow, Sheba, Six Million Dollar Man, Sky Kings, Silverball Mania, Six Shooter, Six Sticks, Skateball, Skyrocket, Slap Stick, Space Invaders, Space Time, Speak Easy, Special Force, Special Force Girls, Spectrum, Spy Hunter, Star Ship, Star Trek, Strange Science, Strikes and Spares, Supersonic, Surfers, Ten Pin, Theatre of Magic, Time Tunnel, Time Zone, Trail Drive, Transporter the Rescue, Trio, Truck Stop, Twilight Zone, Twin Win, Vampire, Vector, Viking, Voltan, WhoDunnit, Wiggler, Wild Wheels, Wizard!, World Cup Soccer '94, X's & O's, Xenon, Zip-a-Doo

    CHICAGO COIN (See Fitment Note 2): Blue Max, Casino, Cinema, Dolphin, Gin, Gold Record, Hee Haw, Hi Flyer, Hi-Score Pool, Hollywood, Juke Box, Olympics, Rawhide, Red Baron, Riviera, Showtime, Sky Rider, Sound Stage, Stampede, Super Star, Top Ten, more?

    DATA EAST: All

    GOTTLIEB (See Fitment Note 2): 2001, 300, 4 Square, Abra Ca Dabra, Ace High, Airport, Alien Star, All Stars, Amazon Hunt, Amazon Hunt II, Amazon Hunt III, Aquarius, Arena, Asteroid Annie & the Aliens, Astro, Atlantis, Bad Girls, Bank Shot, Bank-A-Ball, Barb Wire, Baseball, Batter Up, Bell Ringer, Big Brave, Big Hit, Big House, Big Hurt, Big Indian, Big Injun, Big Jack, Big Shot, Black Hole, Blue Note, Bone Busters, Bounty Hunter, Bristol Hills, Bronco, Buccaneer, Buck Rogers, Buckaroo, Bumper Pool, Cactus Jack's, Canada Dry, Capt. Card, Car Hop, Card King, Card Trix, Card Whiz, Caveman, Centigrade 37, Central Park, Challenger, Charlie's Angels, Chicago Cubs Triple Play, Circus, Class of 1812, Cleopatra, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, College Queens, Count-Down, Counterforce, Cowpoke, Crescendo, Cross Town, Cue Ball Wizard, Dancing Lady, Deadly Weapon, Devil's Dare, Diamond Jack, Diamond Lady, Dimension, Dodge City, Domino, Dragon, Drop-a-Card, Duotron, Eclipse, El Dorado, El Dorado City of Gold, Elektra Pool, Elite Guard, Excalibur, Extra Inning, Eye of the Tiger, Far Out, Fast Draw, Fire Queen, Flip-a-Card, Flipper Pool, Flying Carpet, Force II, Four Seasons, Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street, Free Fall, Fun Fair, Fun Land, Fun Park, Galaxie, Gemini, Genesis, Genie, Gladiators, Goin' Nuts, Gold Strike, Gold Wings, Golden Arrow, Grand Slam, Grande Domino, Gridiron, Groovy, Harmony, Haunted House, Hawaiian Isle, Hearts and Spades, Hi Dolly, Hi-Lo, Hi-Score, High Hand, High Seas, Hit the Deck, Hit-A-Card, Hollywood Heat, Home Run, Hoops, Hot Shot, Hot Shots, Hurdy Gurdy, Hyde Park, Ice Fever, Ice Show, Ice-Revue, Incredible Hulk, Jack-in-the-Box, Jacks Open, Jacks to Open, James Bond 007, Jet Spin, Joker Poker, Jump Shot, Jumping Jack, Jungle, Jungle King, Jungle Life, Jungle Princess, Jungle Queen, Kicker, King of Diamonds, King Kool, King Pin, King Rock, Kings & Queens, Knockout, Krull, Lariat, Lawman, Mario Andretti, Lights...Camera...Action!, Lucky Card, Lucky Hand, Lucky Strike, Magic Wizard, Magnotron, Mars God of War, Masquerade, Mayfair, Melody, Mibs, Mini Cycle, Mini Pool, Monte Carlo, Mustang, Neptune, New York, Now, Nudge-It, Operation Thunder, Orbit, Out of Sight, Outer-Space, Palace Guard, Panthera, Paradise, Paul Bunyan, Pin-Up, Pinball Pool, Pink Panther, Pioneer, Play Ball, Play Pool, Playmates, Pleasure Isle, Polo, Pop-a-Card, Poseidon, Pro Pool, Pro-Football, Psychedelic, Punk, Pyramid, Q*Bert's Quest, Quick Draw, Rack 'Em Up, Rancho, Raven, Ready...Aim...Fire!, Rescue 911, Road Race, Robo-War, Rock, Rock Encore, Rock Star, Rocky, Roller Coaster, Roller Disco, Royal Flush, Royal Flush Deluxe, Royal Guard, Royal Pair, Scuba, Sea Side, Shaq Attaq, Sheriff, Ship Ahoy, Silver Slugger, Sinbad, Sing Along, Skipper, Sky Dive, Sky Jump, Sky-Line, Snow Derby, Snow Queen, Soccer, Solar City, Solar Ride, Solitaire, Space Orbit, Space Walk, Spider-Man, Spin Out, Spin Wheel, Spin-a-Card, Spirit, Spirit of 76, Spot Pool, Spring Break, Star Race, Star Trek, Stargate, Stock Car, Subway, Strange World, Street Fighter II, Striker, Strikes 'N Spares, Super Bowl, Super Duo, Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. Mushroom World, Super Orbit, Super Score, Super Soccer, Super Spin, Sure Shot, Surf Champ, Surf Side, Surf 'n Safari, Surfer, Tag Team Pinball, Target Alpha, Target Pool, Team One, Tee'd Off, Ten Up, Texas Ranger, The Games, Thoro-Bred, Tiger, Time Line, Title Fight, Tivoli, TKO, Top Card, Top Hand, Top Score, Torch, Totem, Touchdown, Troubadour, TX-Sector, Vegas, Victory, Volcano, Volley, Vulcan, Waterworld, Western, Wild Life, Wild Wild West, Wipe Out, Wizard, World Challenge Soccer, World Series, more?

    STERN (See Fitment Note 2): All

    SEGA 1994-1998: All

    WILLIAMS 1965-up (See Fitment Note 2 and Note 4): All, including: A-Go-Go, Algar, Alien Poker, Black Knight, Black Knight 2000, Blackout, Contact, Cosmic Gunfight, Defender, Demolition Man, Disco Fever, Earthshaker, F-14 Tomcat, Fire!, Firepower, Firepower II, Flash, Gorgar, Grand Lizard, Grand Prix, Hot Tip, Hurricane, Hyperball, Indiana Jones, Jokerz, Joust, Jungle Lord, Laser Ball, Laser Cue, Lucky Seven, Medieval Madness, Millionaire, Monster Bash, No Good Gofers, OXO, Pharaoh, Phoenix, Pokerino, Riverboat Gambler, Scorpion, Solar Fire, Space Mission, Space Odyssey, Space Shuttle, Space Station, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Wars: Episode 1, Stellar Wars, Time Warp, Tri Zone, Varkon, Warlok, White Water, World Cup, Zodiac, more

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