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Spring - Coil Plunger Return:
Price: $0.89 each
Status: In Stock
(129 Available)
Part #: 266-5047-00
Condition: New
Standard coil plunger compression spring for many different pinball devices including flippers on older vintage games, pop bumpers, kickers, and more. Fits most makes and models. Measures approx. 1-1/2 inches long, 1/2 inch diameter.
Replacement for Bally # SP-200-19, SP-200-175, SP-200-180, SP-200-185, SP-200-189, SP-200-196, SP-200-212, Data East/Sega/Stern # 266-5047-00, Gottlieb A-1942, Williams #s 10-135 & 10-409.
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Used In The Following Games: (The list below may not be complete, and it's accuracy is not guaranteed. Contact us if you have any questions.)
BALLY: Addams Family, Addams Family Gold, Aladdin's Castle, Attack From Mars, Black Jack (electronic), Black Rose, Boomerang, Bow and Arrow, Bugs Bunnys Birthday Ball, Cactus Canyon, Capt. Fantastic, Captain Fantastic (home model), Champion Pub, Cirqus Voltaire, Corvette, Creature From the Black Lagoon, Doctor Who, Dolly Parton, Dr. Dude, Eight Ball, Eight Ball Champ, Evel Knievel (electro-mechanical), Evel Knievel (electronic), Fireball (home model), Flip Flop!, Freedom (electro-mechanical), Freedom (electronic), Future Spa, Galaxy Ranger, Gilligans Island, Hang Glider, Harlem Globetrotters, Hi Deal, Hokus Pokus, Indianapolis 500, Judge Dredd, Kick Off, KISS (Bally), Lost World, Mata Hari (electronic), NBA Fastbreak, Night Rider (electronic), Nitro Ground Shaker, Old Chicago, Paragon, Party Zone, Popeye Saves the Earth, Power Play, Quarterback, Radical!, Revenge From Mars, Safe Cracker, Scared Stiff, Shadow, Silverball Mania, Six Million Dollar Man, Skateball, Space Invaders, Star Trek (Bally), Strikes and Spares, Supersonic, Theatre of Magic, Twilight Zone, Voltan, WhoDunnit, World Cup Soccer '94, more
STERN: Aerosmith Pro, Avatar, Avatar Limited Edition, Avengers Infinity Quest LE, Avengers Infinity Quest Premium, Avengers Infinity Quest Pro, Batman 66 Catwoman (Stern), Batman 66 Limited Edition (Stern), Batman 66 Premium (Stern), Beatles Diamond Edition, Beatles Gold Edition, Beatles Platinum Edition, Big Buck Hunter Pro, Black Knight: Sword of Rage LE (Stern), Black Knight: Sword of Rage Premium (Stern), Black Knight: Sword of Rage Pro (Stern), Deadpool LE, Deadpool Premium, Deadpool Pro, Elvira's House of Horrors, Elvira's House of Horrors LE (Stern), Elvira's House of Horrors Premium (Stern), Elvira's House of Horrors SE (Stern), Godzilla LE (Stern), Godzilla Premium (Stern), Godzilla Pro (Stern), Guardians of the Galaxy LE, Guardians of the Galaxy Premium, Guardians of the Galaxy Pro, Heavy Metal, Iron Maiden Legacy of the Beast LE, Iron Maiden Legacy of the Beast Premium, Iron Maiden Legacy of the Beast Pro, James Bond 007 LE, James Bond 007 PRE, James Bond 007 PRO, Jurassic Park LE (Stern), Jurassic Park Premium (Stern), Led Zeppelin LE, Led Zeppelin Premium, Led Zeppelin Pro, Lord of the Rings, Mandalorian LE, Mandalorian Premium, Mandalorian Pro, Munsters LE, Munsters Premium, Munsters Pro, Playboy (Stern), Primus, RUSH LE, RUSH Premium, RUSH Pro, Star Trek Pro (Stern), Star Wars Comic Art Premium (Stern), Star Wars Premium, Stranger Things LE, Stranger Things Premium, Stranger Things Pro, Supreme, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles LE (Stern), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Premium (Stern), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pro (Stern), Walking Dead LE, X-Men Wolverine LE
WILLIAMS: 3 Jokers, 4 Aces, Aces & Kings, Argosy, Aristocrat shuffle, Aztec, Big Ben (1975) (Williams), Big Deal (1977), Big Star, Big Time, Black Gold (Williams), Blue Chip (Williams), Cabaret, Casanova, Congo, Contact, Cue-T, Darling, Dealer's Choice (Williams), Demolition Man, Dipsy Doodle, Dirty Harry, Disco Fever, Doodle Bug, Dracula (Williams), Expo, Fan-Tas-Tic, Fish Tales, Flash, Flintstones, Fun-Fest, Funhouse, Gay 90's, Getaway High Speed II, Gold Rush (Williams), Gorgar, Granada, Grand Prix (Williams), Gulfstream (Williams), High Ace (Williams), Honey (Williams), Hot Tip (electro-mechanical), Hot Tip (electronic), Hurricane, Indiana Jones (Williams), JackBot, Jackpot, Jive Time, Johnny Mnemonic, Jubilee, Junk Yard, Klondike, Lady Luck (Williams), Laser Ball, Liberty Bell (Williams), Little Chief, Love Bug, Lucky Ace (Williams), Lucky Seven (electro-mechanical), Lucky Seven (electronic), Machine: Bride of PinBot, Match Race, Medieval Madness (Williams), Miss-O, Monster Bash, No Fear, No Good Gofers, Olympic Hockey, OXO, Paddock, Pat Hand, Phoenix (1978), Pit Stop, Planets, Pokerino, Rancho (Williams), Riverboat Gambler, Road Show, Rock N Roll, Roto, Satin Doll, Set Up, Seven Up, Skylab, Smart Set, Solids N' Stripes, Spacelab, Space Mission, Space Odyssey, Spanish Eyes, Star Action, Stardust (Williams), Star Pool (1974), Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Wars: Episode 1, Stellar Wars, Straight Flush, Strato-Flite, Strike Zone, Summer Time, Super-Flite, Super Star (Williams), Suspense (1969), Swinger, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Terminator 2, Time Warp, Toledo, Tramway, Travel Time, Triple Action, Triple Strike, Tri Zone, Tropic Fun, Valencia, White Water, Wild Card, Winner, World Cup, Yukon, Yukon Special, Zodiac, more