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Info and Games for Sale
Info and Games for Sale
Black Hole (Gottlieb) Side Rail Set 4pc (USED) $25.00 set | Standup Target Assembly - Round Yellow Generic (USED) $3.00 each | Car License Plate Frame $7.99 each | Bracket- Ball Auto Plunger (Stern) $37.50 each | WWE Pro (Stern) Software Updates
Dr. Dude (System 11C) (Bally) ROM Chips
| Key # 7526 $3.50 each | Lock Cam Bracket (USED) $3.50 each | Red Flash Lamp Dome Lens with Mounting Tabs $1.49 each | Flipper EOS Switch and Bracket Assembly - Left (Bally / Midway)
Coil - 20-10285 - With Wire Leads and Connector $49.99 each | Spring - Trigger Return (Bally/Williams/Midway) $0.99 each | No Good Gofers (Williams) Rubber Post Sleeve - Gray - 7/8 Inch - Floating Ramp
| Shindig (Gottlieb) Rubber Ring Kit
| Split Second (Stern) Rubber Ring Kit
X-Files (Sega) Rubber Ring Kit
| Batman (Data East) Rubber Ring Kit
| Lane Guide - White Translucent - 1-Sided 2-3/4 Inch $2.29 each | LED- #44 / #47 4-Element - Purple (Standard) (SEE NOTES) $0.85 each | Price Plate (Bally) 1 Dollar 6 Plays - Yellow/Black (USED) $2.50 each |
Riviera (Chicago Coin) Rubber Ring Kit
| Judge Dredd (Bally) Lamp PC Board A-16891 - 14-Lamp (USED) $20.00 each | Thermal Breaker w/ Wire Leads - N.C. 85C (185F) $5.99 each | Flipper Coil Plunger Return Spring - Tapered (Bally/Williams) $0.69 each | 2N6427 Transistor $0.59 each |